
          With operations now in the United States, Canada, Europe, China and Mexico, Best Buy still is the multinational retailer of technology and entertainment products and services with a commitment to growth and innovation. The Best Buy family of brands and partnerships together generates more than $45 billion in annual revenue. As a company they believe technology should serve people, and not the other way around. Technology makes a lot of promises, and the employees are there to make it live it up to those promises. Best Buy continues to improve its internal operations and business processes by making informed decisions to support product lifecycle management and understand the consequences associated with promotional pricing when it comes to online retailers. In order for Best buy to improve some of their service quality we would recommend the company incorporate weather forecasting into their daily labor-forecasting tool. This will help the company accurately have the right amount of employees when weather conditions vary especially with new product releases like the iPhone. This would allow for more employees to be placed on the floor, which will increase sales and profitability for the company the strives for great customer service.


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